The turnout yesterday was great.  Last year we had a brief window in the middle of snow showers for our event and had a total of 16 people.  Yesterday we had 38 participants, more than I've had in several years.  Some very fast times were recorded and at least one whiner complaining about a 3/100th of a second beating he took which still wasn't the closest margin of the day.  Chad Timmerman showed up Eddie Merckx style and beat Pete Morris by 2/100th of a second. 

Many thanks go out to my two "volunteers".  I should say 3 volunteers although one of them didn't have a choice cause he was strapped to mom.  Thanks to Darcy Page and her wonderful little boy Owen for manning the intersection.  My other volunteer was also pressed into service after showing up to watch and I have forgotten his name, but many thanks go out to him for helping to finish the start list. 

For some reason I had it in my mind that we had an event on April 6th but our first twilight race will be April 13th at Franktown, which by the way is the first race in the points series.  I will have the entire points series list out shortly. 

Thank you all again, stay safe in this wind.  

Place Name Raw Start Time Raw Finish Time Total Elapsed Time Mph Gap
1 Josh Rennie 14:30.00 29:13.94 14:43.94         28.51 00:00.00
2 Nate Freed 13:00.00 28:21.61 15:21.61         27.34 00:37.67
3 Scott Leland 05:00.00 20:24.53 15:24.53         27.26 00:40.59
4 Chad Timmerman 14:00.00 29:32.83 15:32.83         27.01 00:48.89
5 Pete Morris 07:35.00 23:07.85 15:32.85         27.01 00:48.91
6 Robby Liebherr 07:50.00 23:32.45 15:42.45         26.74 00:58.51
7 CJ Dudley 08:00.00 23:42.48 15:42.48         26.74 00:58.54
8 Nick Schaffner 05:32.00 21:24.84 15:52.84         26.45 01:08.90
9 Jake Mestre 01:30.00 17:26.48 15:56.48         26.35 01:12.54
10 Conrad Snover 03:00.00 19:09.07 16:09.07         26.00 01:25.13
11 Bernie Harrisson 18:01.00 34:33.95 16:32.95         25.38 01:49.01
12 Nathan Pearson 13:30.00 30:04.23 16:34.23         25.35 01:50.29
13 Zach Racine 06:30.00 23:25.09 16:55.09         24.83 02:11.15
14 Ben Baxter 08:32.00 25:59.29 17:27.29         24.06 02:43.35
15 Marian Jamison 10:00.00 27:28.30 17:28.30         24.04 02:44.36
16 Gordon Olson 09:31.00 27:01.82 17:30.82         23.98 02:46.88
17 Charles Potts 15:00.00 32:38.51 17:38.51         23.81 02:54.57
18 AG Burnett 17:00.00 34:51.67 17:51.67         23.51 03:07.73
19 Kurt Hunsberger 09:00.00 26:56.53 17:56.53         23.41 03:12.59
20 John Pettengill 03:30.00 21:28.29 17:58.29         23.37 03:14.35
21 Matt Harris 00:30.00 18:29.41 17:59.41         23.35 03:15.47
22 Amber Broch 04:00.00 22:19.12 18:19.12         22.93 03:35.18
23 John Wickland 06:00.00 24:24.72 18:24.72         22.81 03:40.78
24 Patrick Riordan 15:30.00 33:54.74 18:24.74         22.81 03:40.80
25 Reid Weber 12:00.00 30:32.64 18:32.64         22.65 03:48.70
26 Manny Canson 16:30.00 35:04.41 18:34.41         22.61 03:50.47
27 John Buzzone 01:00.00 19:48.86 18:48.86         22.32 04:04.92
28 Harvey Soule 02:00.00 21:14.28 19:14.28         21.83 04:30.34
29 Joe Winnicki 11:00.00 30:22.03 19:22.03         21.69 04:38.09
30 Lane Swall 15:58.00 35:35.87 19:37.87         21.39 04:53.93
31 Adam Kovac 12:30.00 32:26.34 19:56.34         21.06 05:12.40
32 Jeremy Buchmann 02:30.00 22:33.10 20:03.10         20.95 05:19.16
33 Luis Gonzalez 11:30.00 31:55.21 20:25.21         20.57 05:41.27
34 Rhonda Serr 10:30.00 31:03.03 20:33.03         20.44 05:49.09
35 Darrick Bissell 04:30.00 25:08.86 20:38.86         20.34 05:54.92
36 Ken Kurtis 18:30.00 39:12.11 20:42.11         20.29 05:58.17
37 Thomas Janecek 00:00.00 21:53.00 21:53.00         19.19 07:09.06
38 Joe Kabigting 17:30.00 40:54.66 23:24.66         17.94 08:40.72
Place Last Raw Start Time Raw Finish Time Total Elapsed Time Mph Gap
1 Josh Rennie 14:30.00 29:13.94 14:43.94         28.51 00:00.00
2 Nate Freed 13:00.00 28:21.61 15:21.61         27.34 00:37.67
3 Scott Leland 05:00.00 20:24.53 15:24.53         27.26 00:40.59
4 Chad Timmerman 14:00.00 29:32.83 15:32.83         27.01 00:48.89
5 Pete Morris 07:35.00 23:07.85 15:32.85         27.01 00:48.91
6 Robby Liebherr 07:50.00 23:32.45 15:42.45         26.74 00:58.51
7 CJ Dudley 08:00.00 23:42.48 15:42.48         26.74 00:58.54
8 Nick Schaffner 05:32.00 21:24.84 15:52.84         26.45 01:08.90
9 Jake Mestre 01:30.00 17:26.48 15:56.48         26.35 01:12.54
10 Conrad Snover 03:00.00 19:09.07 16:09.07         26.00 01:25.13
11 Bernie Harrisson 18:01.00 34:33.95 16:32.95         25.38 01:49.01
12 Nathan Pearson 13:30.00 30:04.23 16:34.23         25.35 01:50.29
13 Zach Racine 06:30.00 23:25.09 16:55.09         24.83 02:11.15
14 Ben Baxter 08:32.00 25:59.29 17:27.29         24.06 02:43.35
15 Gordon Olson 09:31.00 27:01.82 17:30.82         23.98 02:46.88
16 Charles Potts 15:00.00 32:38.51 17:38.51         23.81 02:54.57
17 AG Burnett 17:00.00 34:51.67 17:51.67         23.51 03:07.73
18 Kurt Hunsberger 09:00.00 26:56.53 17:56.53         23.41 03:12.59
19 John Pettengill 03:30.00 21:28.29 17:58.29         23.37 03:14.35
20 Matt Harris 00:30.00 18:29.41 17:59.41         23.35 03:15.47
21 John Wickland 06:00.00 24:24.72 18:24.72         22.81 03:40.78
22 Patrick Riordan 15:30.00 33:54.74 18:24.74         22.81 03:40.80
23 Reid Weber 12:00.00 30:32.64 18:32.64         22.65 03:48.70
24 Manny Canson 16:30.00 35:04.41 18:34.41         22.61 03:50.47
25 John Buzzone 01:00.00 19:48.86 18:48.86         22.32 04:04.92
26 Harvey Soule 02:00.00 21:14.28 19:14.28         21.83 04:30.34
27 Joe Winnicki 11:00.00 30:22.03 19:22.03         21.69 04:38.09
28 Lane Swall 15:58.00 35:35.87 19:37.87         21.39 04:53.93
29 Adam Kovac 12:30.00 32:26.34 19:56.34         21.06 05:12.40
30 Jeremy Buchmann 02:30.00 22:33.10 20:03.10         20.95 05:19.16
31 Luis Gonzalez 11:30.00 31:55.21 20:25.21         20.57 05:41.27
32 Darrick Bissell 04:30.00 25:08.86 20:38.86         20.34 05:54.92
33 Ken Kurtis 18:30.00 39:12.11 20:42.11         20.29 05:58.17
34 Thomas Janecek 00:00.00 21:53.00 21:53.00         19.19 07:09.06
35 Joe Kabigting 17:30.00 40:54.66 23:24.66         17.94 08:40.72
Place Last Raw Start Time Raw Finish Time Total Elapsed Time Mph Gap
1 Marian Jamison 10:00.00 27:28.30 17:28.30         24.04 00:00.00
2 Amber Broch 04:00.00 22:19.12 18:19.12         22.93 00:50.82
3 Rhonda Serr 10:30.00 31:03.03 20:33.03         20.44 03:04.73