Aircenter Criterium

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Please monitor Facebook page or Google Group Email for updates regarding smoke conditions

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  1. Check in/Number pick up will open by 5:00 and remain open throughout the evening.
  2. C's will start at 5:30 and run for 30 minutes. B's will start at approximately 6:00 and run for 40 minutes. A's will start at approximately 6:40 and run for 50 minutes.
  3. There are times that we might get pressed for time and I will have to start the A group before the B's finish. If that is a possibility I will notify both groups. If the latter category has already been started please run your sprint out strait on the course instead of taking the first right hand turn after the finish line to avoid hindering the next group.
  4. Warming up on course while a group is competing will not be allowed, please bring a trainer or warm up off course.
  5. Course is open to traffic so please be mindful at all times.


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