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4005 Bowers Mansion Rd, New Washoe City, NV 89704



Head South on US 395 from Reno to Washoe Valley. Exit onto Bowers Mansion Road (Old US395 or State Route 429) and travel South approximately 1.75 miles to Bowers Mansion Parking Lot.



Early season the lot closes at 7pm so if your start time is before 6:30 you should be able to make it back if you hurry, otherwise park on the shoulder, late season lot closes at 8pm. Make sure that you are as far off the road as possible. Do not park in the first 30 yards or so south from the gate as this is the registration and event staging area.


Course Info

The course is roughly 8 miles, in a loop with a different start and finish point


Online Map is here

or download here


Time Trial Instructions

Check in will begin at approximately 5:30. First rider off at 6:15, then a new rider takes off every 30 seconds.


Any questions? Email Scot@renowheelmen.org

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